The Integrated Care System brings partners together to organize and deliver services that aim to promote prevention, improve health and wellbeing outcomes and to reduce inequalities for our population. Over the last few years, we have developed and refined the way in which the ICS is constructed, its membership model and how it operates. We have seen it emerge from the original concept of the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership and we are now on the verge of the next big step in our integration journey.

The Integrated Care Board is a new component of the ICS. It is the statutory NHS body that has replaced the CCG and will inherit a range of new functions that will be delegated from NHS England. The ICB will receive the NHS financial allocation for Herefordshire and Worcestershire (circa £1.5bn) and will have the important role of allocating it out across services to ensure the best outcomes are achieved. The ICB will be very different from the CCG it is replacing. For example, the construct and membership of the main board will be very different – with almost half of the voting members being from local partner organisations. In addition to duties transferring across from the CCG, it will also have new duties, particularly around promoting population health, reducing inequalities, setting the system strategy for improving the quality and performance of services, achieving system financial balance and overseeing the performance of local collaboratives and place-based partnerships. The ICB will need to be collaborative, coordinating and supportive; working hand in hand with the statutory boards of NHS Trusts and the democratic processes of local authorities.

These documents illustrate the proposed operating model of the Integrated Care Board and how it interfaces with other parts of the Integrated Care System.

ICB Gov Op Model grab.png


Our constitution sets out the arrangements to meet our responsibilities for commissioning a wide range of healthcare services for the people of Herefordshire and Worcestershire. It is the foundation of our organisation and clearly describes what we are setting out to achieve, and how we intend to achieve it. The Constitution sets out:

The ICB has established a number of committees and forums in order to enable the organisation to effectively fulfil and oversee delivery of its functions.

The ICB committees comprise of:

As detailed, within the Operating Model, the ICS Forums comprise of:

  • Digital Forum 
  • People Forum 
  • Quality Forum 
  • System Clinical and Care Forum 
  • Health Inequalities, Participation and Engagement Forum 

This Organogram is published in response to a request from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care dated 9 December 2022.

The request asks Integrated Care Boards (ICB’s) to publish “the structure of teams within the ICB, including the number of staff in each team and at each grade and the total cost per team. This will help the public to understand how ICBs are structured including which roles report to others and also highlight the work that you are doing to develop integrated care.”

The figures in the chart relate to substantive (permanent) posts funded by the ICB Running Cost Allocation, a specific allocation covering the corporate administrative functions of the ICB. At any one time due to staff turnover, a number of teams may have vacancies or posts may be filled by temporary staffing whilst recruitment is underway, but the tables represent the staffing levels at present.

In addition to the directly employed workforce, additional corporate functions are supported by contracts with a local Commissioning Support Unit. These include elements of Business Intelligence, Finance, HR, Procurement, IT and Counter Fraud services. Staff providing these services are employed by the relevant partner organisation and are therefore excluded from this organogram.