Rachel Hardy

Non-Executive Member with a Focus upon Finance

Partner Members bring the perspective of primary, secondary, and social care from across Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

Rachel has over 35 years’ experience within the NHS, with board level experience leading strategic change, financial and change management in complex health businesses at an organisational, regional, and national level. 

She has also been successful in developing a business specialising in developing financial strategy in complex systems, development and coaching for senior directors individually and in teams, teaching and developing academic and research work.

Rachel is passionate about improving health for people. In addition to her non-executive member role at the ICB, Rachel is also a non-executive director at Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust.

Additional roles:

  • Deputy Chair of the ICB Board
  • Finance Committee (Chair)
  • Audit Committee (Vice Chair)
  • Appointments and Remuneration Committee (Vice Chair)